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At Warren Primary, our curriculum is based upon the skills that children need to develop to be successful life-long learners. From an early age, we develop a love of reading through shared stories and a systematic approach to teaching synthetic phonics which transfers to a curriculum which has quality texts at its heart. This approach allows children to develop as fluent readers and creative writers who have a good grasp of grammar.

As a school, we are developing a mastery approach to the teaching of mathematics through our engagement with maths mastery specialists; from an early age, we develop mathematical fluency and reasoning in our children using concrete, pictorial and abstract materials.

We believe that children’s educational experiences should be broad and balanced and should expose them to the best that has been thought, said and created. 

One of the unique features of our curriculum is the way in which we adapt it to the needs of our most vulnerable learners through our forest school provision and the use of our specialist resource base for d/Deaf children. This allows children to receive an individualised curriculum offer and access unique learning experiences. We believe passionately in learning outside the classroom and utilise our extensive grounds, the local area and sites further afield to develop children’s understanding of how the world works; how it is connected together, and how they fit into it.

Safeguarding is at the heart of all that we do as a school. We teach children how to keep themselves safe in the real world and online and how they can access help and support. We actively promote healthy lifestyles through our curriculum and our excellent before and after-school offer.

Warren is a diverse school where British values are strongly promoted and children are encouraged to embrace differences. We work in partnership with local organisations such as The Royal Opera House, other schools within the Osborne Trust, the local children’s centre and other community organisations for the benefit of our children. We value our community and the harmonious relationships that exist within our school and do all that we can to promote co-operation, tolerance and understanding.

If you would like further information on the curriculum we teach, please contact the school directly.