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Summer term has been a thrill for year 6! As they raced towards the end of their time at Warren, they wasted no time in filling it with life-long memories and excitement as well as hard work.

Most of the year group took part in a PGL residential, overcoming fears on the zip-wire and taking part in many other hair-raising activities. On their return, they raced head-first into rehearsals for our Year 6 production of The Key master, which was an amazing success. The cast – which included every single pupil – learnt their lines and performed brilliantly wowing their audiences with their singing, signing and acting.

Academically, the children received their SATs results: the product of all their hard work. They did amazingly well both individually and as a cohort and they should be really proud of themselves, as the school is of them.

The end of the year approached, and the children enjoyed an end of year celebration, launched by the PTFA, as well as a day of shirt signing and making final memories before they parted.

We are sad to see them go but wish them the best of luck in their new schools as they continue practicing the Warren Way!












    Spring 1:

It has been a very busy half term for the Year 6 children.

The children have been really enjoying our class book: ‘Alex Rider: Stormbreaker,’ which seems to have really inspired our budding teen-spies in their writing. They have created narratives packed with tension, invented their own manuals for a spy gadget, non-chronological pieces about an animal that they have researched; many did work at home to supplement their notes, which was brilliant! The book linked nicely with our History: the children learnt many hair-raising facts about how crimes were punished throughout History and learnt how it has developed over time up to the present day.

The children continue to work hard with spelling and maths (this half term, we have looked at algebra, decimals, measures, scale factors and have revisited many topics that they learnt in Year 5 too).

We have welcomed many visitors in addition to our curriculum learning. These include Jen Kent (a travel agent with her own company); a visitor from the Police (to share his expertise in Staying Safe Online). In addition, they celebrated Mental Health Awareness (My Voice Matters) through a number of exciting assemblies and with a Dance Workshop (led by Shannon Clout) which gave them ideas to help keep a positive mindset and manage stress.


Aspirations week was also celebrated by visitors from local business, ‘Kushi’, we had a DJ in assembly, and a visit from a nurse (Mrs Nkansu-Manu), and Andrew Binks, a councillor. All presentations were met with enthusiasm from the children and offered them experiences from the world or work.

During NSPCC Number Day, the children dressed up in number-based outfits and completed some activities around calculation within the classroom.

Most recently, the children really impressed us by completing a set of Mock SATs papers. They showed maturity, confidence and dedication embracing the experience to show what they have learnt over their primary school years. They have also had the chance to plan and create a fruit crumble in groups, to demonstrate their understanding of Great British Dishes in DT. They worked well in their group to organise ingredients and equipment, at the same time taking into account various allergies and intolerances that they might come across when planning and creating a dish.

Autumn 2:

This half term has been filled with lots of exciting learning and hard work as we get closer to SATs.  

We have been studying The Titanic in history and through our book and have created many exciting pieces of writing like newspaper reports, narratives and discursive pieces where the children investigated – based on all the facts – who they thought may have been responsible for this terrible event in our history.  

The children also took part in a ‘Virtual’ Fieldtrip to Mallam in Yorkshire and thoroughly enjoyed finding out about this area of the country, completing many map-based activities throughout the course of the lesson.  

Learning about Christmas and Christian traditions was also featured this half term and it was interesting listening to the different traditions that every household experiences and how our varied cultures can be combined. 

Most recently, the children investigated the history of cushions as part of our DT topic. They then took part in designing their own aesthetic and functional cushion and drew on old and new skills to create their own version with applique designs. Many chose some very fetching Christmas themes! 



Still on the theme of Christmas, the year 6 children went to All Saints Church and sang and signed some beautiful Christmas songs to adults who were invited along to listen and get into the festive spirit. The children really did us proud; Reverend Kate - who kindly welcomed us – was very impressed with the children’s behaviour and standard of their singing - and the readers were fantastic too!  





Autumn 1:

Year 6 have hit the ground running with their learning after the long summer holidays: they have returned to school refreshed and engaged for the in-class lessons and the new clubs that are starting.

So far, we have investigated circuits in science and recalled the symbols that are used to draw a circuit. The children are currently enjoying reading our new book: ‘Millions’ (written by Frank Cottrell Boyce) and have completed some written activities, such as a persuasive task to sell a million-pound property using exciting vocabulary and persuasive devices; and some diary entries to show understanding of the feelings of the characters we have met so far.


The quality of some of the work is exceptional, not just in the core subjects but in the foundation subjects too. We have discovered a selection of artists during our perspective/vanishing point drawings and have engaged our geographers with our lessons in understanding the features of the UK.




We have celebrated ‘Jeans for Genes’ Day, enjoyed circle time with Mrs Tagney, and some children are completing the Bikeability course to ensure they can safely ride their bikes on the roads.