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Spring 1:

The nursery children have been learning about ordinal numbers. As a reinforcement, they were encouraged to join in with 'pancake' races during their P.E session. They were awarded with a first, second or third rosette after their race. The children were then invited to flip the 'pancake' in the frying pan.


Autumn 2:

The nursery children have had the most amazing time this half term.  They have learnt many new skills as they have taken part in a wide variety of activities, including rolling, cutting and spreading when cooking, counting and ordering when making Christmas trees. They have all worked so hard practising the words, songs and dance moves to our Christmas Production - 'That's not Santa!' They were all absolutely fabulous!! 



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Autumn 1

The nursery children have been enjoying exploring the outdoor environment.  They had a close look at snails and learnt how to hold them carefully and place them back in their natural habitat.  They were then able to use clay and conkers to make their own 'Super Snails'.