Year 2
Over the past 2 weeks Year 2 have been focusing on their Maths skills. They have been learning how to layout and complete column method addition and subtraction questions.
The children have been able to complete column method additions including re-grouping questions and subtraction questions involving exchanging. They have learnt little sayings along the way to help them understand each step.
The children have enjoyed learning how to use the squares in their books and using number lines and their hands to help them solve the problems. The children have even been able to solve 2-digit word problems using their column method knowledge.
Since the start of term we have been looking at our new Science topic, Materials. We have been looking at different materials and their properties. For example, absorbent materials soak up water but transparent materials let light travel through them. To begin with the children focused on working out how some materials can be found naturally in different locations and environments and how some are man-made.
We completed an investigation into which materials could be bent, squished, twisted or stretched and discussed their differences. The children enjoyed being able to explore different materials in class and working as a team to get the answers together. The children are beginning to understand how different materials are used and why different materials are used for different purposes for instance the children agree they would rather sit on a chair made of wood than of wool.
The children in Year 2 have been working on their stitching skills. We have been working particularly on refining our running and cross stitch skills. The children have created some beautiful wooden flowers, picking their colour of thread and design independently and we think they have made some wonderful choices.
The children have been practicing their stiches with the help of some very helpful Year 6 students! The older students have helped when the Year 2 children found it challenging, helping them re-thread their needle and offering words of encouragement. Our Year 2 children loved the opportunity to work with the older students and show them what they had learnt and their stiches! Overall, the children have created some beautiful designs and they should be very proud of their choices and hard work.
Since the start of term the children have been producing work in reflection of a book written by Julia Donaldson called the Gruffalo!
The children have created some fantastic work based on the book. They have created expanded noun phrases to describe the mouse and gruffalo characters and have then moved on to create their own adapted version of the story. They have re-written the story with a new Antarctica setting and have changed their characters to suit their new story. They used a story map to sketch and annotate their new ideas.
The children have shown some real determination considering that this is their first big piece of writing in Year 2. In the pictures below you can see all different pieces of work that have helped lead the children to their finished story adaptation! They are very proud of their stories so please ask them about their wonderful characters and descriptions!
The children have started year 2 with an enthusiastic and brave outlook. They have been doing an excellent job at learning new classroom rules and completing some more challenging work!
However, we know that when the children started Year 2 they had a lot of concerns, worries and initial nerves. That is why we made the focus of our first week thinking about these worries and letting them go. We completed worksheets where the children could share one worry and one hope for year 2. The children then coloured a worry monster each and wrote their worry on the back. This was then tied to a balloon and we released them with our classmates!
This helped us to let go of our worries and focus on the fun filled and exciting year ahead of us!