Remembrance memorial service 2024
On Sunday 10th November 2024, Warren Primary were honoured to host Thurrock Council’s Remembrance memorial service in Chafford Hundred once again.
The Air Cadets, civic dignitaries and community leaders led the parade from school, in Grifon Road and joined the Tilbury band for a short service of Remembrance in Kershaw Close named after an American Second World War pilot, 2ns Lt Samuel Kershaw, who crashed and died on the site while serving with the 55th Fighters Group of the US Army Air Force. The school council members represented us and laid a wreath on behalf of Warren.
After the parade, members of the community were invited for refreshments inside the school hall and the PTFA kindly served those attending the commemoration. It was lovely to see so many Warren families, local residents, community leaders, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and staff marking this day with remembrance, respect and prayers for peace.
On Monday 11th November, a two minute silence was held across the school to remember those who gave their lives.