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Year Six PGL at Bawdsey Manor

Warren Primary year 6 children went to Bawdsey Manor in Suffolk for their 5 day PGL residential trip

What a trip the Year 6 children have had! Accompanied by Ms Belcher, Mrs Messore, Mrs Gilmore, Ms Lewis and Mrs Redmond, the children enjoyed four nights and five days of immense sunshine and adventure. All adults were so impressed by the level of behaviour, resilience, manners and adventure demonstrated by all the children who went: some children were even complimented by staff from other schools for their behaviour! 

Over the course of the week, the children abseiled, zip-wired, learnt survival skills, problem solved, swung on a giant swing, and experienced many other activities. Not only that, but their evenings were also packed with team building events like Cluedo, Balloon Splash and finally ending with a Silent Disco (which didn't seem very silent to the adults thanks to the enthusiastic singing that was going on!).  On the rare quiet moments, the children worked together to keep their living spaces tidy and played football and games that they had brought to relax after each busy day. 

Although it was very hot, the children worked together throughout the week and demonstrated true 'Warren Wayer' values and represented the school superbly: we could not have been more proud of them.