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    Year 1 had an absolute blast during their seaside experience day!

                     Fishing in the rock pool


              Designing their own ice cream sundae


             Having a paddle


             Making Puppet Shows and Building Sandcastles


           Playing parachute games


They also played badminton, volleyball and skittles, watched a Punch and Judy show and learnt to sing ‘I do like to be beside the seaside’.

The highlight of the day was definitely Luigi coming to visit! The children (and adults!) were so excited to spend their money, choosing an ice cream or a lolly. The perfect end to a fabulous year! Well done 1M and 1S, you have been amazing!


Spring 2:

Going to the Zoo,Zoo,Zoo . . . 

On Tuesday 19th March Year 1 went to Colchester Zoo! We had an amazing day seeing lots of African animals.  1M loved seeing the cheeky macaques play-fighting. 1S thought the meerkats were so cute, they wanted to take them home.  We also went on the zoo train and saw a flamboyance of flamingoes.  By the end of the day our legs were tired from all the walking. Some children even fell asleep on the coach!







Spring 1:

Year 1 have been so busy this half term. One of our highlights has been planning, making and evaluating our own glove puppets in DT!

We were so lucky to have so many fabulous volunteers to help us sew and decorate our puppets. Everyone worked very hard to follow their plan and the results are fantastic! Well done Year 1!



Autumn 2:

We walked to the gorge to look for seasonal clues. We noticed lots of different coloured leaves on the floor. It was a sunny, windy day. We spotted a little frost on the shady ground. There were lots of hungry ducks, geese and swans! Everyone enjoyed sketching what they could see.




Autumn 1:

The children in Year 1 have settled back into school very well. They have enjoyed introductions to the different subjects in Year 1, and impressed us with their attitude to learning. 

In DT we have started our work on exploring fruits and vegetables. We found out the children’s favourites by compiling a pictogram in each class:


We have also tasted some fruits and vegetables. The children were asked to describe how they feel, smell and taste. They thought of lots of interesting adjectives, and all tried cucumber, lime, apple and raspberries.


Well done Year 1!